Happy Fathers Day to My Dad, En.Mohd Zain bin Hj. Mohd Said.....
A life so full of promise and potential,
Gone too soon with the blowing off the wind.
No amount of tears can add up to what you mean to us,
But in this life now, without you, we'll just have to adjust.
We'll remember both the good times and bad,
The times we were all so happy or sad,
And all the fantastic memories you help weaved.
You were gem and you'll be truly missed
You'll always have a place in our hearts
Credit goes to XXXNellieXXX...
eka says;
Everywhere i go,whatever i do, u are always there. U are everywhere with me.
I'll go see u sometime in the end. Happy Fathers Day....ABAH. Al Fatiha.....
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